Caching Backends

PyPICloud stores the packages in a storage backend (typically S3), but that backend is not necessarily efficient for frequently reading metadata. So instead of hitting S3 every time we need to find a list of package versions, we store all that metadata in a cache. The cache does not have to be backed up because it is only a local cache of data that is permanently stored in the storage backend.


Set pypi.db = sql OR pypi.db = pypicloud.cache.SQLCache OR leave it out completely since this is the default.


Argument: string

The database url to use for the caching database. Should be a SQLAlchemy url

  • sqlite: sqlite:///%(here)s/db.sqlite
  • mysql: mysql://root@
  • postgres: postgresql://postgres@


You must specify the charset= parameter if you’re using MySQL, otherwise it will choke on unicode package names. If you’re using 5.5.3 or greater you can specify the utf8mb4 charset, otherwise use utf8.


Argument: bool, optional

When reloading the cache from storage, keep the cache in a usable state while adding and removing the necessary packages. Note that this may take longer because multiple passes will be made to ensure correctness. (default False)


Set pypi.db = redis OR pypi.db = pypicloud.cache.RedisCache

You will need to pip install redis before running the server.


Argument: string

The database url to use for the caching database. The format looks like this: redis://username:password@localhost:6379/0


Argument: bool, optional

When reloading the cache from storage, keep the cache in a usable state while adding and removing the necessary packages. Note that this may take longer because multiple passes will be made to ensure correctness. (default False)


Set pypi.db = dynamo OR pypi.db = pypicloud.cache.dynamo.DynamoCache


Make sure to pip install pypicloud[dynamo] before running the server to install the necessary DynamoDB libraries. Also, be sure you have set the correct DynamoDB Policy.


Pypicloud will create the DynamoDB tables if none exist. By default the tables will be named pypicloud-DynamoPackage and pypicloud-PackageSummary (this can be configured with db.namespace and db.tablenames). You may create and configure these tables yourself as long as they have the same schema.


When you reload the cache from the admin interface, the default behavior will drop the DynamoDB tables and re-create them. If you have configured the tables to have server-side encryption, or customized the throughput, you may find this undesirable. To avoid this, set db.graceful_reload = true


Argument: string

The AWS region to use for the cache tables.

db.aws_access_key_id, db.aws_secret_access_key

Argument: string, optional

Your AWS access key id and secret access key. If they are not specified then pypicloud will attempt to get the values from the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY or any other credentials source.


Argument: string, optional

If specified, all of the created Dynamo tables will have this as a prefix in their name. Useful to avoid name collisions.


Argument: list<string>, optional

If specified, these will be the names of the two DynamoDB tables. Must be a 2-element whitespace-delimited list. Note that these names will still be prefixed by the db.namespace. (default DynamoPackage PackageSummary)

Argument: string, optional

The hostname to connect to. This is normally used to connect to a DynamoDB Local instance.


Argument: int, optional

The port to connect to when using (default 8000)

Argument: bool, optional

Force https connection when using (default False)


Argument: bool, optional

When reloading the cache from storage, keep the cache in a usable state while adding and removing the necessary packages. Note that this may take longer because multiple passes will be made to ensure correctness. (default False)