pypicloud.access.base module

The access backend object base class

class pypicloud.access.base.IAccessBackend(request=None, default_read=None, default_write=None, disallow_fallback=(), cache_update=None, pwd_context=None, token_expiration=604800, signing_key=None)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for retrieving user and package permission data

ROOT_ACL = [('Allow', 'system.Authenticated', 'login'), ('Allow', 'admin', < object>), ('Deny', 'system.Everyone', < object>)][source]
allow_register() → bool[source]

Check if the backend allows registration

This should only be overridden by mutable backends

allow : bool
allow_register_token() → bool[source]

Check if the backend allows registration via tokens

This should only be overridden by mutable backends

allow : bool
allowed_permissions(package: str) → Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]][source]

Get all allowed permissions for all principals on a package

perms : dict

Mapping of principal to tuple of permissions

can_update_cache() → bool[source]

Return True if the user has permissions to update the pypi cache

check_health() → Tuple[bool, str][source]

Check the health of the access backend

(healthy, status) : (bool, str)

Tuple that describes the health status and provides an optional status message

classmethod configure(settings: pypicloud.util.EnvironSettings) → Dict[str, Any][source]

Configure the access backend with app settings

dump() → Dict[str, Any][source]

Dump all of the access control data to a universal format

data : dict
get_acl(package: str) → List[Tuple[str, str, str]][source]

Construct an ACL for a package

group_members(group: str) → List[str][source]

Get a list of users that belong to a group

group : str
users : list

List of user names

group_package_permissions(group: str) → List[Dict[str, List[str]]][source]

Get a list of all packages that a group has permissions on

group : str
packages : list

List of dicts. Each dict contains ‘package’ (str) and ‘permissions’ (list)

group_permissions(package: str) → Dict[str, List[str]][source]

Get a mapping of all groups to their permissions on a package

package : str

The name of a python package

permissions : dict

mapping of group name to a list of permissions (which can contain ‘read’ and/or ‘write’)

groups(username: Optional[str] = None) → List[str][source]

Get a list of all groups

If a username is specified, get all groups that the user belongs to

username : str, optional
groups : list

List of group names

has_permission(package: str, perm: str) → bool[source]

Check if this user has a permission for a package

in_any_group(username: str, groups: List[str]) → bool[source]

Find out if a user is in any of a set of groups

username : str

Name of user. May be None for the anonymous user.

groups : list

list of group names. Supports ‘everyone’, ‘authenticated’, and ‘admin’.

member : bool
in_group(username: Optional[str], group: str) → bool[source]

Find out if a user is in a group

username : str, None

Name of user. May be None for the anonymous user.

group : str

Name of the group. Supports ‘everyone’, ‘authenticated’, and ‘admin’.

member : bool
is_admin(username: str) → bool[source]

Check if the user is an admin

username : str
is_admin : bool

Idempotently load universal access control data.

By default, this does nothing on immutable backends. Backends may override this method to provide an implementation.

This method works by default on mutable backends with no override necessary.

mutable = False[source]
need_admin() → bool[source]

Find out if there are any admin users

This should only be overridden by mutable backends

need_admin : bool

True if no admin user exists and the backend is mutable, False otherwise

classmethod postfork(**kwargs)[source]

This method will be called after uWSGI forks


Get a list of all users or data for a single user

For Mutable backends, this MUST exclude all pending users

users : list

Each user is a dict with a ‘username’ str, and ‘admin’ bool

user : dict

If a username is passed in, instead return one user with the fields above plus a ‘groups’ list.

user_package_permissions(username: str) → List[Dict[str, List[str]]][source]

Get a list of all packages that a user has permissions on

username : str
packages : list

List of dicts. Each dict contains ‘package’ (str) and ‘permissions’ (list)

user_permissions(package: str) → Dict[str, List[str]][source]

Get a mapping of all users to their permissions for a package

package : str

The name of a python package

permissions : dict

Mapping of username to a list of permissions (which can contain ‘read’ and/or ‘write’)

user_principals(username: Optional[str]) → List[str][source]

Get a list of principals for a user

username : str
principals : list
verify_user(username: str, password: str) → bool[source]

Check the login credentials of a user

For Mutable backends, pending users should fail to verify

username : str
password : str
valid : bool

True if user credentials are valid, false otherwise

class pypicloud.access.base.IMutableAccessBackend(request=None, default_read=None, default_write=None, disallow_fallback=(), cache_update=None, pwd_context=None, token_expiration=604800, signing_key=None)[source]

Bases: pypicloud.access.base.IAccessBackend

Base class for access backends that can change user/group permissions


Check if the backend allows registration

This should only be overridden by mutable backends

allow : bool

Check if the backend allows registration via tokens

This should only be overridden by mutable backends

allow : bool
approve_user(username: str) → None[source]

Mark a user as approved by the admin

username : str
create_group(group: str) → None[source]

Create a new group

group : str
delete_group(group: str) → None[source]

Delete a group

group : str
delete_user(username: str) → None[source]

Delete a user

username : str

Dump all of the access control data to a universal format

data : dict
edit_group_permission(package: str, group: str, perm: Set[str], add: bool) → None[source]

Grant or revoke a permission for a group on a package

package : str
group : str
perm : {‘read’, ‘write’}
add : bool

If True, grant permissions. If False, revoke.

edit_user_group(username: str, group: str, add: bool) → None[source]

Add or remove a user to/from a group

username : str
group : str
add : bool

If True, add to group. If False, remove.

edit_user_password(username: str, password: str) → None[source]

Change a user’s password

username : str
password : str
edit_user_permission(package: str, username: str, perm: Set[str], add: bool) → None[source]

Grant or revoke a permission for a user on a package

package : str
username : str
perm : {‘read’, ‘write’}
add : bool

If True, grant permissions. If False, revoke.

get_signup_token(username: str) → str[source]

Create a signup token

username : str

The username to be created when this token is consumed

token : str

Idempotently load universal access control data.

By default, this does nothing on immutable backends. Backends may override this method to provide an implementation.

This method works by default on mutable backends with no override necessary.

mutable = True[source]
need_admin() → bool[source]

Find out if there are any admin users

This should only be overridden by mutable backends

need_admin : bool

True if no admin user exists and the backend is mutable, False otherwise

pending_users() → List[str][source]

Retrieve a list of all users pending admin approval

users : list

List of usernames

register(username: str, password: str) → None[source]

Register a new user

The new user should be marked as pending admin approval

username : str
password : str

This should be the plaintext password

set_allow_register(allow: bool) → None[source]

Allow or disallow user registration

allow : bool
set_user_admin(username: str, admin: bool) → None[source]

Grant or revoke admin permissions for a user

username : str
admin : bool

If True, grant permissions. If False, revoke.

validate_signup_token(token: str) → Optional[str][source]

Validate a signup token

token : str
username : str or None

This will be None if the validation fails

pypicloud.access.base.get_pwd_context(preferred_hash: Optional[str] = None, rounds: Optional[int] = None) → passlib.context.LazyCryptContext[source]

Create a passlib context for hashing passwords

pypicloud.access.base.group_to_principal(group: str) → str[source]

Convert a group to its corresponding principal

pypicloud.access.base.groups_to_principals(groups: List[str]) → List[str][source]

Convert a list of groups to a list of principals